The Department of Mathematics at the University of A Coruña are proud to host the International Conference on Boundary and Interior Layers, BAIL 2024, from 10th to 14th of June, 2024.


  Conference program


  Registration will take place at the entrance hall of the Paraninfo, on the Universidade da Coruña's Rectorate first floor, on Monday 10, from 9:15 to 10:00.

   Book of Abstracts









  Important Dates

  •  Deadline for mini-symposium proposals: December 15, 2023
  •  Deadline for submitting abstracts for consideration: Deadline extended February 14, 2024
  •  Deadline for accepting abstracts: February 15, 2024

  •  Early registration deadline: March 14, 2024
  •  Deadline to register: April 10, 2024


  Special Issue

Participants who present their contributions at BAIL2024 can submit related scientific articles to a Special Issue in the Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. Papers will undergo a peer-review process and must comply with the same high standards as in regular issues submissions.


  About the BAIL Conference Series

The BAIL conferences focus on all aspects of computational and analytical methods for problems whose solution shows sharp layers, and singular perturbation problems. Special emphasis is laid on the mathematical foundation of such methods. Topics in any scientific field (fluid mechanics, semiconductor modelling, control theory, aerodynamics and hydrodynamics, chemical kinetics, etc.) in which boundary and interior layers occur are welcome.

The first BAIL conference was organised by Prof. John Miller in Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, in 1980. Apart from two hiatuses, BAIL conferences have been held biennially since then:

Information about some of the recent BAIL conferences may be found on the respective websites.




  • Laura López Paz
  • María Cristina Muiños Roca
  • Luis Fernando Rodríguez Fraguela


Faculty of Computer Science
Campus de Elviña s/n C.P. 15071 A Coruña
 +34 981 16 70 00


